Maha Jiban , Ways of Contribution
1.Contribute through internet banking :
Account Name: - MAHA JIBAN
Account Number-64146547213
Branch Address: Koylavihar, VIP Road.Kolkata-700052
IFSC Code: SBIN0040711
Bank Name: State Bank Of India
2. Contribute through UPI QR Code :
3. Instantly donate to Maha-Jiban through the payment gateway: You can click on the below blue button or click on this link >
4. Contribute through UPI phone number:
PayTM / Google Pay/ PhonePay: (+91) 983-07-08-983 (Donation through the bank account, QR code, or payment gateway as mentioned in option 1,2,3 are preferred . Use this option if all other options do not work for you. )